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Goosehill Book Club

When Principal Cosme met with the School Improvement Team (SIT) in October, they as a team decided to begin a parent book club at Goosehill. They selected the book, Spoiled Right: Delaying Screens and Giving Children What They Really Need, by Meghan Owenz, Ph.D. which emphasizes the importance of “spoiling” our children with activities to fill their day while limiting screen time. The acronym SPOIL means giving children Social, Play, Outdoor, Independent work and Literacy time every day. The book provides many examples and activities to engage in with your child or for them to complete on their own, instead of resorting to the iPad, phone, or TV. Excessive screen time for young children can result in concerns or difficulties in sleep, weight gain, aggression, attention, and talking (language acquisition). This book helps to structure the day and organize your time with important, skill developing activities that will leave little time left for screen time. Ms. Cosme encourages Goosehill parents to come join these monthly discussions. Please see below for an outline of the monthly topics:
Facilitators: Mrs. Schmid and Mrs. Cosme
Place: Goosehill Primary School ( in person)
Date: Friday, January 6th 1:30 -Special guest speaker- Mr. Monastero – Executive Director of Instructional and Administrative Technology
Topic: Why we should delay and limit the use of screen time and how to take steps to reduce the amount given. (Chapters 1 and 2)
Date: Friday, February 10th 1:30
Topic: How Social Time Lays the Foundation (Chapter 3)
Date: Friday, March 3 1:30
Topic: How Playtime is the Best Life Preparation (Chapter 4)
Date: Friday, April 14 9:30
Topic: How Outdoor Time is the Antidote (Chapter 5)/ How Independent Work Creates Capable Adults (Chapter 6)
Date: Friday, May 5 9:30
Topic: How Literacy Paves the Way for Success (Chapter 7)/Bringing it All together (Chapter 😎
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