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5000-Year-Old Pollen Samples DNA Learning Center Visit
5000-Year-Old Pollen Samples
DNA Learning Center Visit
Throughout the school year, the elementary schools collaborate with our neighbors at the DNA Learning Center. DNALC educators visit science classrooms to perform various experiments with 5th & 6th graders, as well as the anticipated hands-on learning field trips to the DNA Learning Center located on Main Street in Cold Spring Harbor. In January, it was Lloyd Harbor’s turn, and these students from Ms. Palmer’s and Ms. Villa’s classes rotated to study “Otzi the Iceman” a fascinating exhibit at the CSH Laboratory DNA Learning Center taught by educators, Ms. Eames and Ms. McBrien. Otzi is a 5000-year-old man who teaches us about DNA, our human inheritance, understanding our genetic ancestry and what makes us human! Otzi’s DNA determines his relationship and that of Neanderthals to modern humans. Through analysis of Otzi’s stomach and intestines, many pollen types were revealed and studied to help scientists learn exactly when Otzi died. The students studied pollen grains under the microscope. The exhibit also includes skulls dating back 6 million years, skeletons and bones, bacterial illnesses, eye color, blood type and more. The students were so inquisitive and curious that one student actually asked a question that stumped the DNAL educators! Students learned that not only pollen was found in Otzi’s digestive system, but also wild goat, red deer, plants and wheat. Thank you CSH Laboratory for these amazing collaborations with CSH School District.
