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Buster the Bus
Bus safety is paramount to our youngest at Goosehill who must learn to navigate all the rules of what it means to ride the bus and follow the rules. Huntington Coach realized that just training the drivers was only part of the equation, the students themselves need to be taught bus safety in the classroom. Enter “Buster the Bus,” a robotic miniature bus that is remote controlled with blinking lights, eyes, a working stop sign arm, and it speaks! Students are unaware of the “secret person” who controls the movements of Buster, answers the kid’s questions, demonstrates safety skills, and asks for volunteers. A safety instructor is also in the room with the students to reinforce the lessons taught, and after the students are taken outside to meet Buster’s big brother, a full-size school bus. Students had lots of questions, and enjoyed meeting their toy friend. Thank you, Buster, for reinforcing bus safety!