Spotlight Stories

  • Fall Newsletter

    District Fall Newsletter

    Please click the link above to view the Fall District Newsletter - "A Look Inside Our Schools"

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  • Amphibian Life Cycles Tad Poles, Frogs and Turtles Oh My!

    Goosehill first graders take pride and excellent care of their classroom pet turtles, but what will happen when they are released back into the wild? CSH Fish Hatchery Educator, Krissy Forman, visited Goosehill carrying a cooler to explain. Under the lid, students were wide eyed with wonder when frogs and turtles were pulled out! Many questions were asked from our youngest inquiring minds. How big do they grow? Are they scared in the wild? How long do they live? Ms. Forman provided all the answers about their red-bellied class turtles, especially about student concerns that these babies never meet their mother! She assured them that these babies are so smart they know exactly what to do from the moment they hatch – how they find water, food, and know the best hiding spots from predators. These students were happy to hear that their class turtles are going to be just fine when they get released back into the wild at the Fish Hatchery in June. They love their turtles!

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  • January Board of Education Meeting

    Thank you to the community for coming out on January 14 for the monthly Board of Education meeting. This month, it was a privilege to hear from our junior high student government. The enthusiasm for all the happens and pride shared is always the highlight of the evening. They spoke about the many achievements, events, honors, and ongoing activities, accompanied by a photo slideshow for everyone to enjoy. The Board recognized senior Milan Lustig who was named a Regeneron Science Talent Search Scholar Semifinalist – congratulations Milan! The Board also shared an extensive presentation on Focus and Learning “District Comparisons 3-8 Exam Regents Results,” along with a UPK update and the approved 2025-2026 school calendar.

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