Spotlight Stories

  • Literary Luncheon featuring author Shelby Van Pelt April 3 - SAVE THE DATE!

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  • Floor Hockey Fun, Coding, Names & Communities…

    At Lloyd Harbor, hallways were bustling with student happenings. Physical Education teacher Joseph Toscano gave the kids a little friendly competition at floor hockey, Technology lessons in coding were underway with Margaret Diehl teaching Hatch lessons, and art renderings of Native American “name” choices were on display in the grade 4 hallway. During their studies of Native American Territories and history lessons about how indigenous tribes choose names to identify a meaningful character trait, students were asked to choose a name for themselves that reflected their character or personality. Some clever names included: He Who Swings the Racquet, He Who Loves the Ocean. She Who Loves Puppies, Girl of Nature and so many more. Second graders also lined the hallways with their beautiful “Community” homes as they learned about urban, suburban and rural communities.

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  • High Music Students Visit Elementary Schools

    It wasn’t a concert tour, but these music students showed our sixth graders a different type of tour, introducing them to the world of music choices next year when they move up to the Jr./Sr. High School. Accompanied by K-12 Music Department Chair Jim Guarini and all the music teachers, whose student ensembles showcased string, brass and vocal choir while sharing stories of their “younger selves” in elementary school. Sixth graders were clearly impressed by what the power of practice and love of music demonstrated through the dedication of their peers. Teachers and students explained the many different opportunities, courses and field trips that await them starting in seventh grade. Many of these sixth graders recently saw the weekend performance of Mamma Mia – and at this assembly many cast members were standing right in front of them. The vocal choir was so large, they could barely fit on stage. A testament to our teachers for fostering the love of music. Soon, the Jr./Sr. High will be inviting many new members from our sixth graders at Lloyd Harbor and West Side School. We can’t wait to see our talented students take part and continue to expand the music program at CSHHS.

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    It was an unforgettable night of wonder, exploration and engagement the evening of February 5, with families and communities totaling close to 700 showed up for this highly anticipated event! What exactly is STEAMANITIES? The perfect blend of STEAM combined with a deep dive into Humanities! In fact, this districtwide K-8 initiative offered so many exciting activities to navigate – that each family received a map to begin their quest. At every turn, there was so much to explore. But all expectations were exceeded as our administration, teachers, staff and 100+ student volunteers ran the gamut of 30 activity centers to test participants’ imagination, curiosity, knowledge and skill...along with good old-fashioned fun. These individual stations tested problem solving, teamwork, and creativity in managing “how to” tasks at hand. On the roster line-up were activities that included Storytime, Finger Puppet making, the American Flag and a tutorial about Libby and audio/ebooks. Students explored hands-on engineering skills using Ozobots, Gears, Centrifugal Force Art, Optical Illusions, Circuit Building, Puzzles, Catapults, and Marble Runs. If you loved science, most likely you gravitated toward the Chemistry of Ice Cream table, the Science of Slime, Boat Design, and more. The fundamentals of yoga, Karaoke “Sing Your Heart Out,” and building your own cardboard guitar were all a hit. Paper Airplane Challenges flied high in the Field House, and if you were hungry, cookie decorating did not disappoint! The Robotics team demonstrated their robot maneuvers to the wide-eyed wonder of our youngest who tried their hands at the driving controls. This night would not be possible without a grant secured by Support of the Board of Education and the CSH Educational Foundation to spearhead STEAMANITIES Night - with a task force of a 19-member district technology committee led by Executive Director of Technology, Dr, Reanna Fulton...

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  • Book Fair, Read Aloud and Kindness Rocks!

    It was a busy start to February at Lloyd Harbor School. Students loved browsing at the annual Book Fair to choose some new favorites to read. Everyone also participated in a schoolwide “Read Aloud Day” with special guest readers at every turn throughout the building. And Ms. Mankuta’s “Random Acts of Kindness” Club painted kindness rocks to encourage and remember Lloyd Harbor School HIKER values. And February just started – what’s next Lloyd Harbor?

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  • All County Art Nominations

    Congratulations to the following elementary students on their nominations for the All-County Art Exhibition 2025. The gallery exhibition will debut on Sunday, March 9th 12-4pm at Herricks High School in New Hyde Park. These CSH students are part of a small handful to receive this honor to represent the Cold Spring Harbor School District in this prestigious exhibition. Here are our talented nominees chosen by their respective art teachers: Goosehill Primary Peyton Hogan (Kindergarten) Grace Mullen (grade 1) Liam Amodeo (grade 1) West Side - Ava Caroleo (grade 5) Lloyd Harbor - Jaxson Ruggiero (grade 5), Claudia Calvo (grade 3)

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  • Maker Space

    Hey, what are you making? MakerSpace is a hands-on creative exploration that begins in elementary school starting in second grade. In the early years, students are given specific challenges and designated tasks to build and create a project. But once students reach grade five, they are clear for takeoff when it comes to choosing their own ideas and creations! Students love the freedom so much they explode with ideas and thoughts for something important and intriguing to them personally. It is a step away from technology-driven skills and a way to foster building projects using a variety of resources, tools, and devices to create student-initiated projects that allow the kids to learn something new, pursue a passion, or solve a problem. These fifth graders from Eileen Conroy’s class are getting their hands dirty with clay, ripping and sawing boxes, cutting, painting, and discovering cabinets and boxes loaded with trinkets in the CLL (Creative Learning Lab). Many of the children are repurposing items that might otherwise have headed to the trash; in addition to learning new skills, the students are finding ways to use something old to make something new...

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  • Music Lessons at Lloyd Harbor

    Sixth graders practicing and learning during music lessons at Lloyd Harbor with teachers Laurette Roddin for band, and Heather Daniels for orchestra. We are looking forward to the next concert!

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