Mrs. Christine Perez
School Nurse
(631) 367-8850
cperez@csh.k12.ny.usA. PRIOR TO THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL
Students entering 3rd and 5th grade, as well as all new entrants to the district, are required by New York State to have an updated health appraisal and dental examination. Please note: For the 2023-2024 school year, ONLY the approved NYSED form will be accepted. Click on the links below to download/print the medical forms.
Students entering 6th grade are required by New York State to have the Tdap booster (Adacel or Boostrix). Two varicella vaccines are now also required. Failure to provide documentation will result in your child being excluded from school. If your child turns 11 during the school year, please submit the updated vaccine record as soon as possible. If the doctor’s appointment is more than one week after your child's birthday, have the MD fax a note including the appointment date to (631) 421-4229.
If your child has an ALLERGY to any food, bee stings or latex, ASTHMA, or other medical condition, please contact the Health Office to discuss with the nurse.B. Communicable/Contagious Diseases
Parents are specifically requested to report all cases of communicable/contagious diseases to the school nurse like strep, flu, etc.C. LATE ARRIVAL
If your child arrives after 8:50, he/she must enter through the main entrance and go to the attendance desk for a late pass.D. Hearing and Vision Screenings requirements
New York State requires vision and hearing screenings on all students in grades K,1,3,5,7,11, as well as new entrants to the district. Your child will be screened unless it is done by their primary physician.E. BMI requirements
As of September 2009, all school districts are mandated to participate in the survey by the New York State Department of Health. We will be reporting to the New York State Department of Health information about our students’ weight status groups. Only summary information is sent. No names and no information about individual students are sent. However, you may choose to have your child’s information excluded from this survey report.F. MEDICATION IN SCHOOL (Medication Authorization Form)
When it is necessary for a student to take any medication (over-the-counter or prescription) during school hours, the nurse must have written orders from a physician. In addition, the following are required:- Parents must give written permission for the nurse to administer medication.
- Doctors’ orders must include child’s name, date of birth, diagnosis, medication, dose, frequency and duration.
- Medication must be in its original container and stored in the Health Office.
Students are not permitted to self-carry medication.
For School Field Trips: Emergency Medications will accompany the student. If a parent is unable to attend, they may select a designee to administer the medication if needed. This must be in writing.
When a physician excuses a student from physical activity, the student will not participate in gym or recess. Students can go to the library for recess.