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    Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up on 11/8 & 11/17. Please click on the link below to sign up for your child's conference if you haven't done so already.


    Please pack a snack & snack drink everyday for your child. Please place snack in a separate bag labeled “SNACK”.  (If you’d like to purchase a snack drink you may set it up through the district website with the meal plan.)

    **PLEASE LABEL YOUR CHILD's JACKET, HAT, Mittens, etc. ** 

    *Lunch will be from 11:00 – 11:50

     Please refer to the menu to know selections for the week (it is on the district website). If your child is buying lunch & you do not have an account please be sure the money is in an envelope and that it is labeled with your child’s name on it.  

    Monday - Music & Gym

    Tuesday - Library 

    Wednesday  Gym & C.L.L (Creative Learning Lab) 

    Thursday - Art 

    Friday - GYM