Mission Statement

  • The mission of the Board of Education is to develop skills and impart knowledge that will enable students to function as independent, lifelong learners in a highly literate, technical, and continually changing society; to help students develop habits of healthful living; to foster the development of aesthetic appreciation; and to provide humanizing experiences to enable students to live in harmony with themselves and to function as respectful, responsive, and responsible members of the local, national, and global communities.

     The educational program will provide each child with the fundamental academic skills and basic knowledge required for his/her maximum educational development, the opportunity for each child to develop his/her interests and abilities to the fullest extent according to his/her individual potential, and special services to promote the physical, mental and emotional development of each child. It is the district's goal to foster in students good work habits, integrity, self-discipline, good sportsmanship, self-confidence and a sense of purpose. Extracurricular activities will be offered when possible to enhance the academic program.

     The Board encourages parents and teachers to offer their expertise in helping to develop a school environment that is academically challenging, psychologically satisfying and socially fulfilling for students at all levels. The objectives of an educational program are best realized when mutual understanding, cooperation, and effective communications exist among the home, community and school.

     Adoption date: June 13, 2000