• E-mail Guidelines for Parents

    We are pleased to offer e-mail as a means to communicate with staff. E-mail is a very useful tool, but it does have limitations. Please observe the following guidelines when e-mailing teaching staff.

    • Due to their busy schedules, teachers may not be able to check their e-mail during any given teaching day. Therefore, e-mail should not be used for messages of a pressing nature, such as requests for that day’s homework, changes in transportation arrangements, etc. If you need a response the same day, you should call or visit the school.
    • It may take a day or two to get a response from a teacher, and that response may be a phone call rather than an e-mail. Please include a telephone number in your e-mail should the teacher wish to call you.
    • Please be sure to include a specific subject line on your email message, such as "possible dates for meeting," or "birthday party update." This will help the teacher to distinguish legitimate email from spam.
    • Teachers might not check e-mail during vacations and on weekends.
    • E-mail should never be used to convey emergency information.
    • E-mail is not an official document and cannot be used for absence notes, field trip consent, changes in pickup/dismissal arrangements, etc.
    • It is not recommended that e-mail be used to communicate personal or confidential information.
    • E-mail is an excellent medium for short notes and requests of a general nature regarding curriculum, classroom policy, or the date of a class event or exam. It can also be used, when a concern arises, to arrange a conference or phone call. It is not as useful for long detailed messages pertaining to grades, student progress, or disciplinary matters. These types of inquiries are better handled through traditional channels of phone calls, or conferences in school.
    • Please do not e-mail and telephone about the same issue. Choose whichever medium is most convenient for you.