• Listed below are the main contacts for the district, by building.  

    Note: Names in blue are "Mail To" links.  Click on the blue name and your e-mail client (such as Outlook or Outlook Express) will launch, with an e-mail addressed to the person.  If you are using a web e-mail client (such as AOL) you must address the e-mail yourself.  E-mail addresses follow a specific convention - first initial of the first name, the full last name, @csh.k12.ny.us.  For example, John Smith would be jsmith@csh.k12.ny.us  Please see the E-Mail Guidelines link for important information regarding e-mail.


    District Officials

    75 Goose Hill Road

    Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724

    (631) 367-5900

    Superintendent of Schools Joseph Monastero 631-367-5931
    Director of Physical Education & Athletics Michael Bongino 631-367-6826
    Director of Facilities Anthony Clements 631-367-5939
    Assistant Superintendent for Business   Christine S. Costa CPA, CGMA   631-367-5928
    Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Candice Brodie, Ed.D. 631-367-5988
    Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Genevieve LaGattuta  631-367-5912
    Executive Director of Instructional and Administrative Technology Reanna Fulton, Ed.D. 631-367-6968
    Executive Director of Special Education & Pupil Personnel Services Nicole Schimpf 631-367-5936
    Transportation Dawn Hasselmann 631-367-5920
    Food Services Manager Gerri Tiger 631-367-6970
    District Communications Karen Spehler 631-367-0299
    School Physician Karl Friedman, M.D. 516-680-7672
    School Attorneys Frazer & Feldman 516-742-7777
    District Treasurer Christine Johnson 631-367-5914

    Junior/Senior High School

    82 Turkey Lane

    Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724

    (631) 367-6900 (High School)

    (631) 367-6800 (Junior High)

    Principal Daniel Danbusky 631-367-6900
    Assistant Principal Caitlyn Harman 631-367-6900
    Assistant Principal   Michelle Lempenski 631-367-6800
    Director of Counseling Jeanette Alomia 631-367-6840
    Director of Humanities Megan Gieser 631-367-6886
    Director of STEM Brian Taylor 631-367-6883
    Assistant Director of Special Education and PPS Kristen Raszka 631-367-6876
    Nurse's Office Nicole Attardi 631-367-6904
    Ralph Whitney Field House Michael Bongino 631-367-6826

    Lloyd Harbor Elementary School

    7 School Lane

    Huntington, New York 11743

    (631) 367-8800/8801

    Principal Carissa Hajdasz Shanahan 631-367-8801
    Assistant to the Principal Kevin O'Rourke 631-367-6837
    Nurse's Office Christine Perez 631-367-8850

    West Side Elementary School

    1597 Laurel Hollow Road

    Syosset, New York 11791

    (516) 692-7900/7901

    Principal John Barnes 516-692-7901
    Nurse's Office Diana Marlow 516-692-7950

    Goosehill Primary School

    75 Goose Hill Road

    Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724

    (631) 367-5940/5941

    Principal Christina Cosme 631-367-5990
    Nurse's Office Nicole Stratton 631-367-5950