Spotlight Stories

  •  ice cream

    Making Ice Cream – YUM!

    In West Side 5th grade science classes, students are currently studying "Matter." The Long Island Science Center visited West Side School, and students explored states of matter through their “Chemistry Concoctions” Program. During this program, students identified the physical states of matter - solids, liquids and gases. They also differentiated between physical and chemical changes.

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  •  WSs books

    And the Winner IS….

    On January 30, West Side second graders voted in a mock Caldecott Award. The American Library Association awards the Caldecott for the best picture book of the year. School Media Specialist, Erica Fraiberg, asked her students to study past winners. They learned that the pictures help tell the story. Next, students listened to many books that were eligible to win and voted for their favorite.

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  •  flashlight

    West Side 4th Graders Build a Flashlight

    Fourth graders in Ms. Glass’ Science class have been exploring energy and fuels that are derived from natural resources and how their uses affect the environment, as well as alternative energy sources and their pros and cons. In this electrical energy lesson, students learned about closed and open circuits and built a simple flashlight using a LED bulb, button battery, index card and aluminum foil.

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  •  art honors

    Art HONORS - 24th Annual Colors of Long Island Student Exhibition

    Congratulations to two high school students whose works will be displayed at the 24th Annual Colors of Long Island Student Exhibition, Feb 17th to April 8th 2023 – located at the Museum of Long Island Stony Brook. Studio Art students, Olivia Ketterer, (grade 9) painted a “Still Life” using oil pastels. Kira Davis (grade 11) used graphite drawing pencils to create her composition of “Sunflowers.” Magnificent work!

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  •  Plunge

    Join Us for the Plunge!

    This year at the CSH Jr./Sr. High fall “Beach Clean Up” community service event with club advisor, Ms. Erin Oshan, some of the junior high students jumped in the waves and said, ”We should do a Polar Bear Plunge this winter to raise money to support local organizations!” This student driven event took hold, and became a reality sponsored by the CSH Marine Biology Club, and together they are making it happen!

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  •  Computer

    Coding Fun at West Side

    Students in Ms. Duddy’s third grade class have fun exploring Sprites with “Click & Move” under the guidance of technology teacher, Margaret Diehl. Students learn coding challenges and problem solving to create their own Hatch projects, write music, do simple animation and so much more!

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  •  Dopico

    Me On A Map

    At West Side - Ms. Dopico’s third graders explored this social studies geography unit with clever images of “Me On A Map” that shared details of each student’s street, town, state and country – so fun!

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  •  Music

    Beating to their own Drum!

    There is never a dull moment at Goosehill when you enter music teacher Daniel Santangelo classes. This was a lesson in “Percussion” instruments, and students couldn’t wait to hold their drum sticks and play to the beat of music while learning the difference between whole notes, quarter notes and understanding the concepts of rhythm.

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  •  Music

    Orchestra Lessons with Ms. Segale

    What a joy to visit the Jr./Sr. High School and listen in on a music lesson in Ms. Amanda Segale orchestra class!

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  •  LHS DNA

    5000-Year-Old Pollen Samples DNA Learning Center Visit

    Throughout the school year, the elementary schools collaborate with our neighbors at the DNA Learning Center. DNALC educators visit science classrooms to perform various experiments with 5th & 6th graders, as well as the anticipated hands-on learning field trips to the DNA Learning Center located on Main Street in Cold Spring Harbor.

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  •  ASSET

    ASSET Award

    Whitney O’Donnell has been named a Bright Light by the Association of Suffolk Supervisors for Educational Technology (ASSET). Bright Lights are selected due to their exemplary integration of technology into their educational environment. Ms. O’Donnell, the Library Media Specialist at Lloyd Harbor Elementary School, was honored at an ASSET luncheon on January 12 at The Heritage Club Bethpage,

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  •  book club

    Goosehill Book Club

    When Principal Cosme met with the School Improvement Team (SIT) in October, they as a team decided to begin a parent book club at Goosehill. They selected the book, Spoiled Right: Delaying Screens and Giving Children What They Really Need, by Meghan Owenz, Ph.D. which emphasizes the importance of “spoiling” our children with activities to fill their day while limiting screen time. The acronym SPOIL means giving children Social, Play, Outdoor, Independent work and Literacy time every day.

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  •  fossils

    Investigation of Fossils

    Third graders at Lloyd Harbor recently began a unit entitled, “Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems.'' In a recent lesson, students were given a bag with a “mystery object” inside to observe using tools such as hand lenses and rulers in order to record data about their phenomenon’s properties and patterns. Science teacher, Julia Glass, shared, “Students were delighted to learn that they were observing authentic fossils!”

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    Creative Learning Lab

    Students at Goosehill are thrilled to be back in the Creative Learning Lab (CLL), as the door reopened this fall after nearly two years of shutting down the former STEAM room due to the pandemic. Once again the space is home to a myriad of creativity, imagination, engineering challenges, science experiments and more!

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  •  lhs test

    Think Like A Scientist - A Fair Test

    We can do a “fair test!” Second graders at Lloyd Harbor School learned what it means to conduct a fair scientific experiment. Our young scientists first learned about “properties of matter.” They observed and interacted with various materials in order to describe their texture, size, hardness, color, weight, elasticity and translucency.

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  •  rock walll

    Enjoying the Rock Wall

    Enjoying the Rock Wall and some Bowling fun at West Side in Steve Forbes Physical Education classes!

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  •  lhs art

    Artful Lloyd Harbor

    Students in grade 6 made artful connections with music, FLES (foreign language) and art. Students studied various artistic styles from modern artists in Central America in their art classes while simultaneously discussing the Latin cultures of Central America in their FLES class. After researching traditional instruments from Central America in music, the students were tasked with picking one of those instruments to draw.

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  •  hello

    Hello! I Hear You...

    Professional development practices continue this year during morning class time that fosters a safe and healthy learning environment by meeting the social-emotional needs of students’ developing competencies, including assertiveness, cooperation, empathy, perseverance, responsibility and self-control.

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  •  ghp morning

    Good Morning Goosehill

    Special greetings, sharing thoughts and shaking the sillies out are coveted morning rituals as students begin their day at Goosehill. These professional development practices continue this year during morning class time that fosters a safe and healthy learning environment by meeting the social-emotional needs of students’ developing competencies, including assertiveness, cooperation, empathy, perseverance, responsibility and self-control.

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  •  art

    Patterned Self-Portraits by Sr. High students

    Check out these amazing Patterned Self-Portraits by Sr. High students in Media Arts Class taught by K-12 Art Department Chair, Christina Oswald.

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