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AP Collegial Circles
“Teaching Students AND Each Other”
AP Collegial Circles
For the second year in a row, Cold Spring Harbor Central School District spearheaded and hosted a unique collaborative learning experience for AP teachers across 43 Long Island districts. These AP Collegial Circles united 129 teachers at the Jr./Sr. High School campus who engaged in productive workshops entailing open dialogue, problem-solving and networking, all with an eye on improving student learning and achievement. Joining this quest for collegial mindsets, were teachers who have been teaching anywhere from one year to 25 years as a collective group to brainstorm, learn, strive to improve, and share best practices that work.
The two-day workshop was held just prior to the holiday break on December 16-17 for interested educators across Long Island to continue supporting AP teachers. Attendees expressed their deep gratitude to our District’s Board of Education and administration for offering such a valuable professional learning experience due to its invaluable impact on their teaching practices. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Genevieve LaGattuta, shared, “The gift of “time” with fellow colleagues was stated as the most valuable aspect of the experience, allowing for meaningful collaboration, reflection, and shared growth. Each session began with a light breakfast and check-in, giving participants the opportunity to network before diving into the day's activities.” Joining Ms. LaGattuta in setting the tone for the day, were Principal Daniel Danbusky, Director of Humanities Megan Gieser, and Director of STEM Brian Taylor, who provided an overview of the day’s goals and structure, including a session on collaborative grading. During this time, participants were able to review and discuss sample student responses from the College Board and come to a consensus on the scoring component. One of the post-lunch activities included a friendly rock-paper-scissors competition, encouraging participants to get out of their seats and cheer on those advancing through the rounds. Ms. LaGatutta shared, “CSHCSD is committed to expanding this opportunity in the years to come, to continue enhancing professional learning experiences to elevate instructional practices and drive greater success for our students.”