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A Visit and Lesson from The Children’s Museum

K-1 students and staff were delighted to welcome back the Long Island Children’s Museum Educator Jennifer Henriquez, for a lesson in engineering building concepts. Structures made of colorful foam balls and toothpicks were created in multiple shapes and designs. They learned about how architectural design foundations from around the world can be make of squares and even triangles. No one guessed that triangles are the strongest foundation base for buildings, and triangular structures are often incorporated in the wall foundations of buildings for added support and strength. The best part, was students could keep their designs so they could reconstruct new designs at home! All were proud to share their imaginative shapes, and everyone worked in collaboration to share ideas, tools and concepts with each other. This program was made possible by the Cultural Arts Committee with special thanks to Mandy Dalal. We love your designs Goosehill – great job!
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