School Information
1597 Laurel Hollow Road
Syosset, NY 11791Main Office: 516.692.7900 / 7901
Office Fax: 516.692.4845
Nurse: 516.692.7950
Nurse Fax: 516.692.7951Transportation: 631.367.5920
Huntington Coach: Bus: 631.425.9665 Van: 631.427.0011
School hours: 8:50 am - 3:10 pm
Dr. John Barnes, Principal
Ms. Diana Marlow, Nurse
Ms. Kimberly Dussol, Senior Office Assistant
Ms. Katherine Maher, Clerk-Typist
Directors:Dr. Nicole Schimpf, Executive Director of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services
Ms. Kristen Raszka, Assistant Director of Special Education
Dr. Reanna Fulton, Executive Director of Instructional and Administrative Technology
Mr. Michael Bongino, Director of Athletics, Health, and Physical Education
Ms. Megan Gieser, Director of Humanities (ELA and Social Studies)
Mr. Brian Taylor, Director of STEM (Math and Science)
Ms. Christine Oswald, K-12 Art Chairperson
Mr. James Guarini, K-12 Music Chairperson
Ms. Kristen Wilkens, K-12 World Languages Chairperson