Homework Guidelines
Homework Guidelines for Fourth Grade
***Important Information for Students and Parents***
Homework is regularly assigned each school night, Monday through Friday. At times, certain specific projects or long-term assignments may require that students complete homework over the weekend.
Fourth grade students can expect about 20 minutes of written work plus 20-30 minutes of expected reading time. In some cases, students may spend more or less time on homework.
Fourth-graders are normally assigned homework that includes; reading, spelling, and mathematics. It is important for students to have a place to work and study that is free from distraction, properly lighted, and equipped with needed materials.
Fourth-graders are required to complete at least 20-30 minutes of home reading each school night as part of their Independent Reading Assignment.
On some nights, fourth-graders will be assigned to write responses to their reading . In this notebook, students quickly record their thoughts, ideas, memories, reactions, musings, and so on. It is not a final product, so it does not need to be error free. It is from this notebook that students find the ideas to complete larger written pieces that will be revised and edited in school.
Spelling-penmanship homework assignments require students to strive for a high degree of precision and accuracy. A classroom test on this material is scheduled at the end of each unit.
Mathematics homework is assigned to give students further opportunity to practice and master math concepts and procedures that have been taught, explained, and reviewed in the classroom.
Some homework follows a routine and predictable pattern. If schedules necessitate, students can work ahead on these assignments. Other homework is given to reinforce material covered in class that day, and so it can not be assigned nor completed ahead of time.
If homework is not or cannot be completed, it is requested that parents send a brief note to explain the situation.