Support Services
Welcome to Support Services
Support services include Speech and Language, Special Education, Reading, ELL, the social worker, and the psychologist. They work with students, teachers, and parents in a variety of ways throughout the year. To contact any member of the team, call the main office at 516-692-7900/516-692-7901.
Executive Director of Special Education & Pupil Personnel Services Dr. Nicole Schimpf
AIS Ms. Lauryn Grefe, AIS Coordinator Ms. Nicole Unger, Reading Teacher
Ms. Chelsea Whitman, AIS Math TeacherSpeech and Language
Ms. Maria Fritz-Rodriguez Mrs. Fritz-Rodriguez's WebsiteSpecial Education Ms. Rosina Aiello
Ms. Michelle Byrne Ms. Byrne's Website
Ms. Karen Schoenberg Mrs. Schoenberg's Website
TBD, Teacher AssistantPsychologist
Mrs. Deanna Latham Mrs. Latham's Website