Mr. James Guarini - K-12 Music Coordinator
Ms. Heather Daniels-Rosenblatt - Orchestra
Ms. Haley Goodwin
Ms. Leah Martin - Chorus/General Music
Ms. Laurette Roddin - Band
Welcome, Lloyd Harbor families, to the music program. The music faculty is dedicated to creating an environment in which children feel comfortable being actively engaged in musical expression and music making. All children possess the ability to read, write and perform music, so we as a faculty strive to help our students reach their potential.
Please visit our CSH Music webpage for more information!
The General and Choral Music Program
Children in grades 2-6 are offered a comprehensive music program. Through the years, they will gain an understanding of the basic elements of music: melody, harmony, rhythm, form, and expression. Students experience these concepts through activities and games involving listening, singing, rhythmic movement, dancing, composing, and playing instruments.
The general music classroom is equipped with a large variety of pitched and non-pitched percussion instruments such as xylophones, metallophones, drums, claves, maracas, etc.
It is through the use of these instruments that students become increasingly proficient in their skill development.Every effort is made to integrate music with the core curriculum areas. Some examples are: Grade 2 - Patriotic songs, grade 3 - World Cultures, grade 4 - Colonial times and recorder playing, grade 5 - Immigration, and grade 6 - The Renaissance.
American folk songs, patriotic, and seasonal music make up the core of the general music curriculum. These songs encourage children to discover the history and values of their own American heritage and culture. Building a repertoire of songs that all students can sing together fosters a powerful sense of community, cooperation, and school spirit. There are many opportunities for group singing on the LHTV Morning Announcements and at Graduation.
Finally, the general music curriculum emphasizes accurate and expressive choral singing as the foundation for all further musical development. As such, 4th graders perform in a beginner level chorus toward the end of the school year; 5th and 6th graders perform in a combined intermediate level chorus during the winter and spring semesters. Individual and small group vocal coaching is available for eligible older students who participate in the annual NYSSMA and All-County Chorus Festivals.
The Instrumental Music ProgramThe instrumental music program begins in 3rd grade. Through an exploratory and “hands on” approach, 3rd graders are given the unique chance to play several different orchestral and band instruments. In this way, students get to know which instruments they most enjoy and play with ease. The orchestra and band directors work closely together to observe and assess the talents and strengths of each child. With guidance from the music faculty, children are better able to make informed decisions as to the instruments they will choose for formal study the following year.
In 4th grade, small group instruction ensures that each student is given the individual time and attention they need to be successful. Group lessons are scheduled once a week for one half hour. Students use method books and learn how to read music notation. In the spring, the 4th grade students participate in a large ensemble experience in beginner band or orchestra. At the beginning of June, the students perform in a concert.
The 5th and 6th graders continue in the instrumental music program as advanced beginners and intermediate players. They study scales, sight-reading, and refine their playing technique. Students participate in Band and Orchestra and perform in the Winter and Spring Concerts. Lloyd Harbor School offers coaching for NYSSMA, Long Island String Festival, and All–County Band and Orchestra.Communication with Your Child's Music Teacher
Please visit teacher websites for specific course information. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the music faculty at (631) 367-8800/8801. It is always our pleasure to help you!