3C's Policies and Procedures
3C's Class Procedures and Schedule
The school bell rings at 8:40am and attendance is taken at 8:50am. If there are any changes in dismissal plans, a note is required from home allowing your child to go home with a friend and/or to be picked up.
Tuesday – LIBRARY (return library books)
Wednesday -PHYS.ED (wear or bring your sneakers)/INST.MUSIC 1/ART
Thursday – INST.MUSIC 2/PE (sneakers)/FLES
The children will have time for either a mid morning or afternoon snack.
LUNCH 11:20 - 11:40
RECESS 11:40 - 12:00
There will be homework assigned Monday thru Thursday. Homework will usually include a math sheet, spelling, and at times a reading response. The children are also asked to start the year by reading at least 20 minutes a night. The purpose of homework is to review the lessons of the day. I encourage you to be involved with your child’s work by asking them to share what the homework is about and what they need to do. If you find that your child needs extra support with their work, kindly write me a note and I will assist them during the school day.
Please feel free during the school year to contact me (631-367-8800 or tcraco@csh.k12.ny.us.) if you have any questions and/or concerns. I look forward to working with you to help your child's second grade experience be both meaningful and memorable.