Reader's Workshop


    Our Reader's Workshop is a 40 minute block of time. During this time the children are involved in

    • Mini Lesson
    • Independent Reading(During this time readers can be involved in a teacher conference, guided reading instruction and/or responding to their reading.
    • Share time


    10 Minutes

    Each Reading Workshop session will begin with a mini-lesson that lasts approximately 10 minutes. During each mini-lesson, I introduce a specific concept, also known as the teaching point. Most often the teaching point will focus on a reading strategy or skill.  I model or demonstrate the skill for the students. Students then get a chance to practice the skill or strategy on their own or with a partner.  This part of the mini-lesson is called active engagement.



    20 Minutes

    During this time students are engaged in self-selected texts at their independent level.  They use this time to practice the skill that was taught during the mini-lesson.  Students are reading in book nooks around the room while the teacher holds individual reading conferences or meets with small groups of students for guided reading, strategy lessons, or book clubs.


    5- 10 MINUTES

    During this time the class might:

    -Meet as a whole group to refer back to the mini-lesson and think further

    -Meet together to think about and respond to questions such as:  What did you learn about reading today?  What did you learn about yourself as a reader?

    -Meet with reading partners to have a quick chat about how the reading is going