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Welcome Back to the 2016-2017 School Year! It is important for students to jump right back into their good academic habits. Being organized and keeping up with assignments is critical to being a successful student. This year will be full of new endeavors, new teachers, new content and new possibilities.
I look forward to an amazing and successful school year. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached through the Special Education Office directly or through my email @
Warmest regards,
Kerriann Konstantinakos
a/k/a Mrs. K.
Period 1: HS Resource Room H-13
Period 2: Prep
Period 3: Prep
Period 4: English 9 Co Room H-18
Period 5: Duty
Period 6: US History Co J-36
Period 7: Lunch
Period 8: English 11 Co H-17
Period 9: English 12 Co H-19