Home Page

  • 2017-2018

    May You Be Proud Of The Work You Do
    The Person You Are
    And The Difference 
    YOU MAKE!!
    ~author unknown

    Welcome to My Website!! 
    I am so excited for a wonderful year together!

    Below you will find my Schedule:

    Period 1: Vocational HC-12
    Period 2: English - SC HC-12
    Period 3: Consultant
    Period 4: Café Duty
    Period 5: Lunch
    Period 6: Prep
    Period 7: Science/S.S.
    Period 8: Resource Room H.S. HC-12
    Period 9: Vocational HC-12

    I encourage you to contact me anytime if have any questions or concerns during the school year. 
    You can call me or send me an email to dengel@csh.k12.ny.us. 
    I will get back to you as soon as possible.  

    Mrs. Denise Engel