• 1.      Proof of Residency
    Please use this document regarding proof of residency from the NYS non-exhaustive list  

    (Rental Affidavit-Renter PDF)  (Rental Affidavit - Owner PDF)

    2.       Parent Photo IDa copy of a parent’s current Passport or Driver’s License.

    3.       Child’s Proof of Age To determine, for instance, the programming needs of your child/children, you will need to demonstrate proof of age by providing one of the following:

    a. An original or certified transcript of a birth certificate or record of baptism (including an original or certified transcript of a foreign birth certificate or record of baptism) giving the date of birth; or

    b. Passport (including foreign passport) giving the date of birth. If none of the above-mentioned documents is available, the District may consider other documentary or recorded evidence in existence for two or more years, except an affidavit of age. One or more of these documents may be necessary and consist of the following:

    • Official driver’s license
    • State or other government issued identification
    • School photo identification with date of birth
    • Consulate identification card
    • Hospital or health records
    • Military dependent identification card
    • Documents issued by federal, state or local agencies (for instance, local social services agency, federal Office of Refugee Resettlement)
    • Court orders or other court-issued documents
    • Native American tribal document
    • Records from non-profit international aid agencies and voluntary agencies 

    Note: The District shall have the responsibility to verify the records if necessary. 

    4.      For students entering Grades 1-12, a copy of your child’s school records.  Please print the appropriate form below, fill in the school your child currently attends, their name and grade they will be entering in Cold Spring Harbor SD and sign the bottom.  Send the signed form back to the registrar and we will forward the form to your child’s current school. 

    Request for Records Form (entering grades 7-12 only) - (MS Word)   (PDF)

    Request for Records Form (entering grades 1-6 only) -  (MS Word)   (PDF)
    5.      Student’s  Health   Pupil’s Health History  Form – completed by parent- (MS Word)  (PDF)

    NYS Health Certificate (Immunization) – completed & signed by a physician - (MS Word)  (PDF)

    Physical Form (Completed and signed by physician) – NYS Health Examination - (PDF)       

    Dental Health Certificate (completed and signed by physician) - (MS Word)  (PDF)
    6.      Custodial Agreement (if applicable)

    Registrar -  (t) 631-367-5920  (f) 631-692-5653 (e) registrar@csh.k12.ny.us

     If you are in contract to purchase a home but do not currently have the above documentation, please review the Future Resident Policy (5150-R) which can be downloaded from our website at the following LINK
