Welcome to my website. Click on the tabs to the left to find additional information. I use Canvas extensively. Students should check nightly for the current work and assessment dates.
My schedule for the 2018-2019 school year is as follows:
Period 1: AP Literature and Composition
Period 3: English 10 Regents
Period 7: English 10 Regents
Period 8: English 10 Honors
Period 9: English 10 Honors
Extra Help: I am available to give extra help before school, during planning periods, and after school. I ask that students please make an appointment with me ahead of time.
Contact Info: I can be reached at ahenry@csh.k12.ny.us or 631-367-6832 (English Dept. extension) or 631-367-6835 (voicemail only).

Related Files
Parent/Student Contact Form
Each student must have his/her parent complete one of these forms and turn it in on the second day of school for a homework grade. -
Signature Form for Week 1 of Class
Students, please sign (and have your parent sign) this form after each of you has read the 1st day information sheet for my class. -
Grade Calculation Sheet
Your grade will be calculated on a points system (with the exception of seniors whose research paper grades count 40% of the quarter in which they are written). The points system means that your average is equal to the total # of points earned (numerator) divided by the total # of possible points (denominator). Use this form in conjunction with the portal in order to calculate your average.
Related Links
Study Blue
Study Blue is a free online site where you can store lecture notes and make flashcards that you can use online and/or on your phone. This is a free site. -
Cold Spring Harbor Library
This link will take you directly to the Cold Spring Harbor Public Library.