4th Grade Unit 4 - Earth Systems: Processes that Shape the Earth "Big Science Words"
In this unit, we will use some words that are specific to Science. It isn’t the intention that all students will master these words, but with exposure to these words, some students may start using them appropriately. Consider using the words with your child in order to help them see science in the world around them.
Fossil- the remains or evidence (such as the impressions or tracks) of an organism that have been naturally preserved
Marine- refers to saltwater environments and anything that lives in oceans or wetlands, or in other places where freshwater and saltwater mix
Sediment- matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid
Sedimentary Rock- rock that has formed through the deposition, compaction, and cementation of sediment, usually found in layers
Slope- a surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another
Striations- parallel scratches or grooves on the surface of a rock resulting from the grinding action of sediment in the bottom of a moving glacier
Tectonic Plates- The dozen or so pieces of Earth’s rigid outer layer which move independent of each other
Terrestrial- living or growing on land instead of in water or air
Weathering- the natural breaking up of rocks at or near Earth’s surface caused by vegetation or freezing and thawing